Agreement with Israel and Uae

On August 13, 2020, a historic agreement was signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to normalize their diplomatic relations. This landmark deal has been hailed as a significant diplomatic breakthrough, and its impact is expected to be far-reaching.

The agreement, also known as the Abraham Accords, was brokered by the United States and marks the first time an Arab country has established formal diplomatic ties with Israel in over 25 years. Under the terms of the agreement, Israel and the UAE have agreed to establish full diplomatic ties, including the exchange of embassies and ambassadors, and to cooperate on a range of issues including security, tourism, technology, and energy.

The agreement has been widely hailed as a major achievement for the Trump administration, which had been pushing for such a deal for months. President Trump has called the agreement a “historic breakthrough,” and has said that it will lead to greater stability, security, and prosperity in the Middle East.

One of the key drivers of the agreement was the shared concern of Israel and the UAE about the regional threat posed by Iran. Both countries view Iran as a destabilizing force in the region and fear its nuclear ambitions. By establishing formal diplomatic ties, Israel and the UAE are hoping to strengthen their position vis-à-vis Iran and create a more stable and secure Middle East.

The agreement has also been welcomed by many other countries in the region, including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman. These countries have long been close allies of the United States and have been working to establish closer ties with Israel in recent years.

Despite the optimism surrounding the agreement, there are concerns about its long-term viability. The Palestinian leadership has rejected the agreement, saying that it undermines their efforts to establish an independent state. Some experts also worry that the agreement could push Iran and its allies to increase their efforts to destabilize the region.

In conclusion, the agreement between Israel and the UAE is a significant diplomatic breakthrough that has the potential to transform the Middle East. Its success will depend on the ability of all parties to maintain momentum and work together to address the many challenges facing the region. As we look to the future, it will be vital for all stakeholders to stay focused on promoting stability, security, and prosperity in the region.