Partnership Agreement Ontario Canada

Partnership Agreement Ontario Canada – What You Need to Know

A partnership agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a partnership. This document is crucial for any business that operates in partnership in Ontario, Canada. It helps to avoid misunderstandings, disputes, and legal issues between the partners.

Partnership is a popular form of business in Ontario, Canada. It involves two or more people who come together to carry on a business with a view to profit. Each partner contributes capital, services, or both, and shares the profits and losses of the business. A partnership agreement is necessary to establish the roles and responsibilities of each partner, the decision-making process, the distribution of profits and losses, and the dissolution of the partnership.

In Ontario, Canada, a partnership is governed by the Partnership Act, which outlines the legal requirements for partnerships. However, the Act does not specify the terms and conditions of the partnership agreement. Therefore, it is essential to draft a partnership agreement to ensure that the partnership operates smoothly and to avoid legal disputes.

The partnership agreement should include the following clauses:

1. Partnership Name and Purpose

The partnership agreement should state the name of the partnership and the purpose for which it is formed. This clause should describe the business that the partnership will carry on.

2. Capital Contributions

This clause should specify the capital contributions made by each partner. It should also outline the procedure for making additional contributions if required.

3. Profit and Loss Distribution

This clause should outline the procedure for distributing profits and losses among the partners. It should specify the percentage of profits that each partner is entitled to and how the losses will be shared. It should also include the procedure for distribution of profits and losses at the end of each fiscal year.

4. Decision Making

This clause should describe the decision-making process of the partnership. It should specify the procedure for making major business decisions, such as hiring employees, taking loans, and entering into contracts.

5. Dissolution

This clause should outline the procedure for dissolving the partnership. It should specify the circumstances under which the partnership can be dissolved and the procedure for dividing the assets and liabilities among the partners.


In conclusion, a partnership agreement is a crucial legal document for any business that operates in partnership in Ontario, Canada. It helps to avoid misunderstandings, disputes, and legal issues between the partners. The agreement should include the partnership name and purpose, capital contributions, profit and loss distribution, decision-making process, and dissolution procedure. It is always recommended to consult with a lawyer when drafting a partnership agreement.