Que Agreement En Ingles

When it comes to speaking and writing in English, one of the most important aspects of grammar is agreement. Agreement refers to the way in which different parts of a sentence agree with each other in terms of tense, number, and gender. Understanding agreement is essential for effective communication in English, and one of the most common areas of agreement that many learners struggle with is “que agreement”.

So what exactly is que agreement, and why is it so important? Que agreement refers to the way in which pronouns agree with the gender and number of the nouns they are referring to. In Spanish, for example, que agreement is much more prominent, and all adjectives and pronouns must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. This is not always the case in English, but in certain situations, it is still necessary to ensure proper agreement.

One example of que agreement in English is when using the pronoun “who” to refer to a group of people that includes both males and females. In this case, it is necessary to use the gender-neutral form “they” or “them” instead of “he” or “she”. For example, instead of saying “Each person who wants to participate in the survey should complete his or her questionnaire,” you could say “Each person who wants to participate in the survey should complete their questionnaire.” This avoids the use of gendered pronouns and ensures proper agreement.

Another example of que agreement in English is when using the pronoun “it” to refer to a noun that is neither masculine nor feminine. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the verb that follows the pronoun agrees with it in terms of number. For example, instead of saying “The team won its first game, but lost they`re second game,” you could say “The team won its first game, but lost its second game.” This ensures proper agreement between the pronoun “it” and the verb “lost”.

In addition to avoiding gendered language and ensuring proper agreement between pronouns and nouns, que agreement is also important for effective communication in English. Using proper agreement helps to convey meaning clearly and avoids confusion or ambiguity. It also helps to demonstrate proficiency in the language, which is important for both personal and professional communication.

In conclusion, que agreement is an important aspect of English grammar that refers to the way in which pronouns agree with the gender and number of the nouns they are referring to. By avoiding gendered language and ensuring proper agreement between pronouns and nouns, learners can communicate effectively in English and demonstrate proficiency in the language.